Monday 23 May 2016

Under construction

Hello wonderful human beings,

It’s been such a long time, it almost feels weird writing up a post again. I guess I just wanted to update you all on what’s been going on, and where my head's at. This year has been emotionally exhausting for me, as it is also my final year in highschool (can I get a hallelujah), so a lot has been hectic, and my soul just feels so drained. I haven’t had the right amount of headspace to create, think, enrich myself, and just be present; I’ve lost myself through it all. A lot in my life is changing...and so am I. It’s an anxious process, but I am all for this odyssey of mine. For right now, I am just being, and that’s all I want to focus on; being, existing, and creating. With that said, this blog will also be transitioning into more of a documentary run by an electric community, and that community is YOU. I want this blog to be something many people can resonate with, as I hope for it to be more about you than it is about me. Untitled is under construction, and so am I. Many things are changing. Many things are happening. Many things are becoming...electric.

See you when I see you.
