Monday 23 May 2016

Under construction

Hello wonderful human beings,

It’s been such a long time, it almost feels weird writing up a post again. I guess I just wanted to update you all on what’s been going on, and where my head's at. This year has been emotionally exhausting for me, as it is also my final year in highschool (can I get a hallelujah), so a lot has been hectic, and my soul just feels so drained. I haven’t had the right amount of headspace to create, think, enrich myself, and just be present; I’ve lost myself through it all. A lot in my life is changing...and so am I. It’s an anxious process, but I am all for this odyssey of mine. For right now, I am just being, and that’s all I want to focus on; being, existing, and creating. With that said, this blog will also be transitioning into more of a documentary run by an electric community, and that community is YOU. I want this blog to be something many people can resonate with, as I hope for it to be more about you than it is about me. Untitled is under construction, and so am I. Many things are changing. Many things are happening. Many things are becoming...electric.

See you when I see you.


Monday 11 April 2016

Monday Blues


So I had no school today but still felt unable to do pretty much anything, it might be because of the fact that it’s STILL snowing outside, or it might just be because I had an off day today. Either way, here’s how I captured my Monday blues...


Summer, where are you?

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Friday 25 March 2016

Chapter 18.

Before yesterday, I got off a plane from an unbelievable adventure in Asia,
Yesterday, I turned 18,
And my head's still spinning, accessorized with bags under my eyes,
So bare with me here;

When I was younger, I pictured turning 18 to be this big deal, because silly me thought I would have everything figured out by now. Now don't get me wrong, to think that I’ve survived 18 years on this planet is mind boggling to me, because I’ve made it this far! (weeeeee)

Although somehow I feel like everything has just started, because I am growing into the person I want to be. Being 18 years old doesn't mean anything other than the fact that I am growing. I am a growing human being, learning as go, experiencing as I go.

It’s important to remember that it’s okay to still be running into the walls of this maze called LIFE and not have it all figured out. I’m glad I’m at a point in my life where I am able to realize that.

I guess this is all just say that, every year you get older, because of the number that is stamped on your forehead that indicates your age. You can either choose whether or not to let that age identify you as a person (there is no right answer), but if it’s one thing to ask yourself it should be: Yes, I am older now, but have I grown as a person?


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Friday 29 January 2016


Oh exams.


[ a quick little series on all the emotions I felt during exams - enjoy mates! ]

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Tuesday 12 January 2016

Next stop: 2016.

It's currently the 12th of January, 2016.
& Yes, I know I know I’m like a century late…
Although, I honestly didn’t know how to talk about 2015? So much changed, yet so much went to how it was (in a good way). If I had one word to describe 2015 it would be (yes a cliche)...wanderlust.
I see my life as kind of being a road trip. On a mint blue Volkswagen to be precise. A road trip consisting of: a few stops along the way, cheap coffee, mesmerizing sunsets, great company,a killer playlist, and unexpected destinations. The crave to explore, to learn, to share grew stronger with every road sign that came my way. There is no concrete destination; Just a few minor stops along the way.

With that being said, let’s reminisce on 2015, and all of the pit stops I’ve taken on this odyssey of mine, shall we?


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Side note: thank you to all who made this year golden. If you're one of those people, reading this now -- I appreciate you so much!!

Side note to the side note: If you're a reader; you are golden. I appreciate you so much!!

So now that we’ve looked back, and we saw, and we reminisced, and we had a jolly good time. Let’s refuel and go from here. Where will 2016 take me? Where will I end up? Will I meet people on the way? Will I leave people behind? Will I forget who I was back in 2015, behind? Will I breakdown and crash, forcing me to hitchhike to my next destination (just to be dramatic)? Will my playlist change? I honestly couldn’t tell you. I am excited for what’s to come, and what’s to come is absolutely anonymous to me. That’s something I’ll have to figure out on the road, and man do I become an optimist towards that kind of stuff. You can join me, if you please.

As for whoever is taking the time to read this, congratulations you made it this far! You made it all the way to 2016. Continue your odyssey & go on from here. There is so much more out there to see!!

Where to next?



Saturday 26 December 2015

T'was the day of Christmas...

ON CHRISTMAS DAY, I was with my friends, in our pj’s, exchanging presents, laughing, and taking pictures. So it went a little something like this...

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The weather was ridiculously warm for a Christmas day, I’ve never experienced Christmas without waking up to the blinding light of the snow, falling outside of my window (my heart was crying on the inside). SO instead of moping about how the lack of snow outside, we decided to go on my friend’s roof (it totally made up for it).


Shortly after that, we said goodbye to our friend Erika (cries). Me & Nat continued our journey in the forest, as we took pictures while our hands were literally freezing (it’s ok, priorities am I right?). Taking pictures for no actual reason is what I enjoy most, but I must admit, I was pretty content with the end results!!

Darkness crept up on us, and we actually witnessed a full moon. For some weird reason, I always feel at peace when gazing at a full moon...must be because I’m a night owl.


Later that night, we ate, we laughed, we shared stories, and a number of other random festivities.


As I get older, I come to the realization that moments, stories, and good company are what makes Christmas so special. Special, in the perspective of the person that is experiencing it. Thank you to everyone who made this Christmas Holiday special. x

How did you experience your Christmas holiday?

Cheers. x


Sunday 20 December 2015

'I can't wait to be older' - said 10 year old me.

( a ramble of thoughts in my head that I feel the need to share )

(( disclaimer: this is an observation I’ve seen with my own eyes, or that I’ve experienced myself, or that I’ve seen the younger generation do. I don't want to generalize everyone in high school, because I know most of us don’t actually think this way, but yet again, some people do. ))

I remember being like 10 years old in a group with a few of my friends all complaining about how we wished we were older and how great our life is going to be when we reach a certain age blablabla. Now I’m finally around that age, and it’s nowhere near to being perfect (whatever that is). Sure, my life is great in some aspects, but not for the reasons I idealized when I was younger.
I guess it’s becoming more of a recurring thing when you’re younger, to think that your life is going to be amazing when you’re older. And when you’re older, you wish you could go back to the days where nothing really mattered, where everyone was being themselves, and where the biggest problems were tying your shoelaces. (raise your hand if you’ve had this problem)

High School is a museum of people experimenting with their age and testing their ‘limits’. Everyone (mostly) acts or wants to be older. Everyone (mostly) wants to be a certain age to do a certain thing. Everyone (mostly) wants to feel treated like an adult. But what is it like to be an adult? I can’t answer that because I’m not at that point in my life yet.

I think we tend to forget to embrace our youth, and to absorb life as much as possible while we’re young. This sprint to be an adult slows us down more than we think.

I also think there’s a big distinction between being mature for your age & wanting to be older than you actually are, just feel accepted in today’s society, or even to seem somewhat cool.

I guess I’m at a point in my life right now where I don’t understand everyone’s rush to grow up, and I honestly find it quite hard to relate to people who have a bucket list of all the things they must do before high school ends to seem more mature for all the wrong reasons. It’s foreign to me and I don't quite get it.

What exactly are we teaching the next generation? What kind of example are we if we tend to ignore our youth and jump right into all things that comes with time and experience?

What do you think?
