Sunday 30 August 2015

Dear Summer,

So I guess this is goodbye?
I've never been an expert at saying goodbye or letting go. So I apologize in advance if this turns out a mess. 

With that said, this has probably been the best summer yet.
A lot has changed, yet a lot feels like it should be.
A lot has felt familiar without it being done before. 
Almost like a new lifestyle without me realizing any different.
Some of the best memories of my life have been documented this summer,     
and I can't wait for more to come.
More adventures, more to reminisce, and more stories to share.
I'm entering this new year radiating of contentment and pure satisfaction.
I've truly loved this summer - I was awake -,          

and that's an achievement to be proud of. 
I have nothing but my lovely friends to thank for that!
If its one thing I've learned this summer its to surround yourself with people that not only make you the most happiest, but also seek to experience the number of adventures that life has to offer.
Until next time. x 


Monday 17 August 2015

An afternoon on McQueen street.

Disclaimer: Hello! Ok, so I might start this thing where I take pictures from tumblr that inspire me, and either write a poem or a short story about it. There were so many ways I could of gone with this one. So I just ran with it. Enjoy! x

This lovely picture is brought to you by tumblr. x

It was just a normal afternoon in my one bedroom apartment in New York, when I decided that I wanted to get away. The city couldn't offer me the privacy that I desired. So I went on the building's rooftop. I've never been here before. It was a small platform surrounded by lifeless plants following each corner. The air suffused of a cool gust of stress that came familiar to New York; so I sat on the edge to prevent a head rush. My feet dangled as the McQueen street was below me. It was painted in black and white, wide enough for maximum capacity. Short enough, to get on the other side. Intrigued of what lied beneath my feet, I carefully looked down. I noticed a number of heads hastily walking by when the running man lit up; they were crossing the white stripes painted on black. 3 strangers walking all at once but not in harmony. A moment ceased for the cars to pass by. And then 5 uncommon heads proceeded: a couple holding hand in hand, a man walking with his nose buried in his phone, a woman striding with her nose held high, and then a teenage boy trailing behind to catch the earliest train. All these people were doing something different but had the same goal. I, myself, had something in common with all these incongruous moving heads. They seek to get to the other side, and I seek to get away.The running man lit up. 7 strangers crossed in a hurry. In the end, we all hoped to get to that destination.


Sunday 2 August 2015


They’ll hear you.
How loud can you be?
Silence your mind absent;
even hushed tones can be deafening.
They’ll heed at your thoughts,
as it’s radiating out of you.
Your words escape,
exhaling from your lips.
Blink back what you see,
and erase those theories.
Before you start thinking out loud.
