Monday 23 November 2015

HOW TO: life. // Stress edition.

(disclaimer: lol I am by no means an expert at this trust me)
((I am just a teenage girl learning how to do this whole “life” thing in this journey of mine))

Okay so I don't know if this applies for anyone else, but there is two main mentalities to me. It’s either “wow ok I got this, I somewhat know what I’m doing” or “wow I am actually a mess, what is life, what is my purpose? am I doing this right? nfvjdfjdgfdhbhb!!!!” There is literally no in between. Which in all honesty, is kind of scary when you think about it. But do not fear friends!!! I kind of came up with 5 solutions in my times of: !!!!!!????!!!!!????!!!!???.

SO here we go.

  1. As easy as this sounds just...CHILL. What are you doing when you’re the most “chill”? It could be meditation, listening to music, writing, taking a walk, reading, having a solo dance party.

Personally for me, I am my most zen when I’m randomly going over melodies on the piano, or when I’m listening to Keaton Henson or Bon Iver writing a list of words that may or may not turn into some sort of Taylor Swift song or poem.

  1. BREATH. Sometimes when we’re the most stressed out or having an existential crisis, we forget the simple action of breathing...Ridiculous right? Sometimes in the moments of !!!!!!!!, its best to just take a step back and breath slowly.

Personally for me, when I am stressed on a whole new high, I try to remove myself from that state to take the time to count my breathing and ask myself “I’m ok?” and after a few moments, I’m able to answer “Alright. I’m ok.” and continue what I was doing.

  1. LISTS. I only feel like I’ve got my sh--- together when I jot things down in a list type of form. This helps me to kind of just organize all my messy thoughts and ideas and tasks to something more duable and approachable.

  1. BREAKS. This is for when you’re taking on big tasks, and when you’re just overflowing with stress.

Personally for me, taking a step back from the situation to let my mind go at ease for a few moments helps my productivity later on...Just don't fall into the trap where you end up taking a full hour break, that then turns into 4 hours breaks because you’re too “preoccupied” watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix (ha woops guilty).

  1. SHARING IS CARING. Feeling stressed? Well hey guess what? A lot of people are in the same boat as you!! I had a few conversations with my friends about this topic, and it went a little something like this...

ME: Dude I am so stressed out for hbfhdfbfb!!!
FRIENDS: OMG SAME LIKE hfhubfhbbdfhvbh!!!!!

I guess I never realized how many people actually felt this overwhelming kind of stressed until I was actually vocal about it. After having a few conversations about this, I then felt a bit better that I wasn’t the only one feeling this kind of way, and that I could get through it with people that are closest to me. Of course stress is annoying as hell, but it is easier to handle when you’re going through it with your friends.

Alright, so that is all for this segment of HOW TO:life, even though I am learning how to do that along the way so stay tuned...

How do you deal with stress?
How do you “life”?
Leave comments below!

Cheers x


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