Wednesday 30 September 2015

Peru: A series of moments.

The day has finally come friends.
The visual film I made in Peru is finally done!!!

Quite anxious to be releasing this, but definitely excited to have finished editing it.
Even though it took centuries to go through each clip, my emotions took over me as I reminisced about how great that trip was. It brought back a lot of happy memories.

My advice to anyone traveling would just be to capture the moments in action, the moments you’ve felt the most alive, and the moments that turn into great stories. Capture that great story.

This film is simply just to share the beauty I got to witness in Peru.
I am by no means a cinematographer or anything close to that (I’ve realized when editing).
With that said, I hope you all enjoy!

Cheers. x


Wednesday 23 September 2015

My sweet summer's gone.

geez time really does go by fast.


Halloween is tiptoeing right around the corner, and here I am still in a summer daze.
Occasionally, I get really bad cases of nostalgia. As much as I try to stay away from reminiscing about the past, how could I with all my past summer Polaroid pictures, welcoming me every time I walk in my room?

This past summer was filled with contentment, due to a series of adventures.
Me, being the over thinker that I am. The fear of not being able to feel that type of satisfaction again, has crossed my mind so many times.
Was summer just a fluke? I asked myself.
Was it an allusion? I asked myself.
Perhaps i’ll never feel that way again? I asked myself.
Could it have been just a brief hiccup, in this dull life of mine? I asked myself.

If it’s one thing I do know, when looking back at all those pictures, I know I don’t want to stop living those great moments. I’m still off seeking those adventures, that make your eyes light up whenever you start talking about them. I suppose that’s what makes those moments their own little special story; the unexpectedness of it.

So yeah, my sweet summer might be gone.
But life is but an afternoon, and the night is still young.


Sunday 20 September 2015


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Anyone there?
Long time no see.

I guess nothing can really explain or even justify my abrupt absence. September has been that type of month where you have that mentality of being productive but the hecticness of everything got the best of you -- It got the best of me. I’ve been so wrapped up in my surroundings that I forgot what it’s like to enjoy the art of writing, and film. Eventually, I got tired of the whole feeling sorry for myself - laziness - numbness - getting home and staring at the ceiling, and making a ridiculous amount of excuses - phase. 
So hello, I am back and ready to create again.

So what has the month of September consisted of so far?

Well it started out with a lot of this…

and this…

listening to this...

and of course this…
Taken by @kaleidoscopx_

and can’t forget this…

So where did creativity fall into all of that? It didn’t.
Thankfully, the month isn’t over yet, because I’ve had enough of sitting around, and this past week has been a turning point for me.
I’ve actually never been so inspired; everywhere I look is a new potential muse.

To all content creators out there: We’ve all been through those times where we beat ourselves up, thinking that our craft has no purpose or use. I’ve spent so many nights, scraping up so many of my writings, and future film ideas, because I thought they weren’t “good enough”.

What is “good enough”? I can’t answer that.

“Good enough” varies from person to person, from taste to taste. It’s a myth we create in our heads to generate mediocrity. Create something that pleases you, and as long as you're satisfied with what you end up crafting; nothing else really matters. If it inspires people on the way, well that’s just a bonus.

So I guess that’s pretty much it.

Until next time. x
