Wednesday 23 September 2015

My sweet summer's gone.

geez time really does go by fast.


Halloween is tiptoeing right around the corner, and here I am still in a summer daze.
Occasionally, I get really bad cases of nostalgia. As much as I try to stay away from reminiscing about the past, how could I with all my past summer Polaroid pictures, welcoming me every time I walk in my room?

This past summer was filled with contentment, due to a series of adventures.
Me, being the over thinker that I am. The fear of not being able to feel that type of satisfaction again, has crossed my mind so many times.
Was summer just a fluke? I asked myself.
Was it an allusion? I asked myself.
Perhaps i’ll never feel that way again? I asked myself.
Could it have been just a brief hiccup, in this dull life of mine? I asked myself.

If it’s one thing I do know, when looking back at all those pictures, I know I don’t want to stop living those great moments. I’m still off seeking those adventures, that make your eyes light up whenever you start talking about them. I suppose that’s what makes those moments their own little special story; the unexpectedness of it.

So yeah, my sweet summer might be gone.
But life is but an afternoon, and the night is still young.


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