Monday 12 October 2015

Perfectionism? Nah.

DISCLAIMER: In no way am I trying to impose my opinion. This thought has been in my mind recently, and I just wanted to share my opinion about this specific topic. If you agree; sweet. If you don’t; sweet. We’re all human.

Hi, I’m M. Christine.
And I am not perfect.

What are we trying to obtain here?
When we get there, will we be happy?
Is there even a place, such as perfection?

I am an observer.
Ever since I was a little girl, that’s all I’ve ever been.
All these people around me chasing this surreal satisfaction,
eventually trained me into becoming exactly like them.
I was conditioned to reach perfection.
I was conditioned to reach this level that didn’t exist.
For a very long time, I was searching for something that was only created by society.

What exactly is perfectionism teaching all of us?
To never be content with what we have?
To doubt ourselves?
To compare ourselves to others?

Until maybe a few months ago,   
the best thing yet, happened to me.
I got slapped in the face.
Reality slapped me in the face and was like:
“Hey bud, there’s no such thing as perfection.  
You are not perfect.”
Best slap I’ve ever gotten.
Personally, I want to be content with all the effort I’ve put in.
I don't want to undermine myself even more, by comparing my journey to someone else’s.
What good is that ever going to do?

And in no way am I saying to not have goals!!!!
Have goals.
Have ambition.
Be confident in your craft.
But being someone you’re not in the process, is probably not the best way to go about it.
We’re all rad human beings, so why the need to be perfect? You’re already fucking great. (Pardon my cursing)
I have no clue where this rant is going anymore.
So I guess I’ll just end this here.  

What do you think about the ideology of perfectionism?  
Feel free to comment below! x


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