Saturday 26 December 2015

T'was the day of Christmas...

ON CHRISTMAS DAY, I was with my friends, in our pj’s, exchanging presents, laughing, and taking pictures. So it went a little something like this...

3 shades.jpg

The weather was ridiculously warm for a Christmas day, I’ve never experienced Christmas without waking up to the blinding light of the snow, falling outside of my window (my heart was crying on the inside). SO instead of moping about how the lack of snow outside, we decided to go on my friend’s roof (it totally made up for it).


Shortly after that, we said goodbye to our friend Erika (cries). Me & Nat continued our journey in the forest, as we took pictures while our hands were literally freezing (it’s ok, priorities am I right?). Taking pictures for no actual reason is what I enjoy most, but I must admit, I was pretty content with the end results!!

Darkness crept up on us, and we actually witnessed a full moon. For some weird reason, I always feel at peace when gazing at a full moon...must be because I’m a night owl.


Later that night, we ate, we laughed, we shared stories, and a number of other random festivities.


As I get older, I come to the realization that moments, stories, and good company are what makes Christmas so special. Special, in the perspective of the person that is experiencing it. Thank you to everyone who made this Christmas Holiday special. x

How did you experience your Christmas holiday?

Cheers. x


Sunday 20 December 2015

'I can't wait to be older' - said 10 year old me.

( a ramble of thoughts in my head that I feel the need to share )

(( disclaimer: this is an observation I’ve seen with my own eyes, or that I’ve experienced myself, or that I’ve seen the younger generation do. I don't want to generalize everyone in high school, because I know most of us don’t actually think this way, but yet again, some people do. ))

I remember being like 10 years old in a group with a few of my friends all complaining about how we wished we were older and how great our life is going to be when we reach a certain age blablabla. Now I’m finally around that age, and it’s nowhere near to being perfect (whatever that is). Sure, my life is great in some aspects, but not for the reasons I idealized when I was younger.
I guess it’s becoming more of a recurring thing when you’re younger, to think that your life is going to be amazing when you’re older. And when you’re older, you wish you could go back to the days where nothing really mattered, where everyone was being themselves, and where the biggest problems were tying your shoelaces. (raise your hand if you’ve had this problem)

High School is a museum of people experimenting with their age and testing their ‘limits’. Everyone (mostly) acts or wants to be older. Everyone (mostly) wants to be a certain age to do a certain thing. Everyone (mostly) wants to feel treated like an adult. But what is it like to be an adult? I can’t answer that because I’m not at that point in my life yet.

I think we tend to forget to embrace our youth, and to absorb life as much as possible while we’re young. This sprint to be an adult slows us down more than we think.

I also think there’s a big distinction between being mature for your age & wanting to be older than you actually are, just feel accepted in today’s society, or even to seem somewhat cool.

I guess I’m at a point in my life right now where I don’t understand everyone’s rush to grow up, and I honestly find it quite hard to relate to people who have a bucket list of all the things they must do before high school ends to seem more mature for all the wrong reasons. It’s foreign to me and I don't quite get it.

What exactly are we teaching the next generation? What kind of example are we if we tend to ignore our youth and jump right into all things that comes with time and experience?

What do you think?


Thursday 10 December 2015

Preview // Erika.

hello hello hello!

Haven't posted much lately because school has been so dbdshbhfbvhdfvbfhb. But hi, I am back. 

Today I was working on a project (woah big surprise), but this one was actually kind of decent. Me & my friend Erika had to make a short film, and it actually didn't turn out so bad. While we shot our film, I took a few pictures here and there, and they also didn't turn out so bad so WOO for productivity.

So I present to you; Behind the scenes ft Erika. 



FACT 1: "I have a tiny scar on my forehead and a birthmark on my elbow."

FACT 2: I have a lotus tattoo on my back + 13 piercings. 

FACT 2: "I love music"



Personal opinion: This girl is a storyteller. 

More to come with this gem. x 

COMING SOON: A new series. 
Cannot wait to launch this new project of mine, won't elaborate too much but it is coming soon and I am super duper duper duper duper excited about it, and I can't wait to actually share this vision of mine with you guys!! 

Instagram // Tumblr // Youtube


Monday 23 November 2015

HOW TO: life. // Stress edition.

(disclaimer: lol I am by no means an expert at this trust me)
((I am just a teenage girl learning how to do this whole “life” thing in this journey of mine))

Okay so I don't know if this applies for anyone else, but there is two main mentalities to me. It’s either “wow ok I got this, I somewhat know what I’m doing” or “wow I am actually a mess, what is life, what is my purpose? am I doing this right? nfvjdfjdgfdhbhb!!!!” There is literally no in between. Which in all honesty, is kind of scary when you think about it. But do not fear friends!!! I kind of came up with 5 solutions in my times of: !!!!!!????!!!!!????!!!!???.

SO here we go.

  1. As easy as this sounds just...CHILL. What are you doing when you’re the most “chill”? It could be meditation, listening to music, writing, taking a walk, reading, having a solo dance party.

Personally for me, I am my most zen when I’m randomly going over melodies on the piano, or when I’m listening to Keaton Henson or Bon Iver writing a list of words that may or may not turn into some sort of Taylor Swift song or poem.

  1. BREATH. Sometimes when we’re the most stressed out or having an existential crisis, we forget the simple action of breathing...Ridiculous right? Sometimes in the moments of !!!!!!!!, its best to just take a step back and breath slowly.

Personally for me, when I am stressed on a whole new high, I try to remove myself from that state to take the time to count my breathing and ask myself “I’m ok?” and after a few moments, I’m able to answer “Alright. I’m ok.” and continue what I was doing.

  1. LISTS. I only feel like I’ve got my sh--- together when I jot things down in a list type of form. This helps me to kind of just organize all my messy thoughts and ideas and tasks to something more duable and approachable.

  1. BREAKS. This is for when you’re taking on big tasks, and when you’re just overflowing with stress.

Personally for me, taking a step back from the situation to let my mind go at ease for a few moments helps my productivity later on...Just don't fall into the trap where you end up taking a full hour break, that then turns into 4 hours breaks because you’re too “preoccupied” watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix (ha woops guilty).

  1. SHARING IS CARING. Feeling stressed? Well hey guess what? A lot of people are in the same boat as you!! I had a few conversations with my friends about this topic, and it went a little something like this...

ME: Dude I am so stressed out for hbfhdfbfb!!!
FRIENDS: OMG SAME LIKE hfhubfhbbdfhvbh!!!!!

I guess I never realized how many people actually felt this overwhelming kind of stressed until I was actually vocal about it. After having a few conversations about this, I then felt a bit better that I wasn’t the only one feeling this kind of way, and that I could get through it with people that are closest to me. Of course stress is annoying as hell, but it is easier to handle when you’re going through it with your friends.

Alright, so that is all for this segment of HOW TO:life, even though I am learning how to do that along the way so stay tuned...

How do you deal with stress?
How do you “life”?
Leave comments below!

Cheers x


Sunday 15 November 2015

A series through time: October 24th 2015

Hello, hello, hello. x

I've been editing all day in my pj's, and I've never been so relaxed.

Here are some pictures I took a while ago, when me and my friends went out to go eat breakfast at 8 pm on a rainy night.


Now, I present to you my second visual film.
A series through time: October 24th 2015.
Hope you enjoy!!


Thursday 29 October 2015

Next stop: Chinatown.

performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.

That definition seems to become more of a reality to me than ever this year. What drives a big part of my “adventures” has been done out of impulse or just pure boredom.

Which brings me to today.
Me and my friend Nat (shocker), decided to go visit good ‘ol Chinatown.
This decision was a spare of the moment kind of thing. We got lost at some point, which doesn’t surprise me. But hey, we got there!

SO, if it’s something that was really prominent in Chinatown, it was the street art! They were filled with vibrant colors, and details that you couldn’t miss.
Note: Walking really isn’t that bad when you’re surrounded by such interesting art.

Me & Nat spot cafes like it’s our job.
Raw Sugar, was no disappointment!
This place was detailed to the core, but with the most timeless and vintage pieces that made this cafe unique. Not to mention, that their mocha’s are just...exquisite? excellent? lovely? At this point, going to cafes has become a lifestyle and I am completely okay with that.

After sipping on what felt like heaven, we ventured out, walking from street to street, capturing anything that made us stop in our tracks.

This was until, we found a knickknack store. This store was one of a kind, that's for sure.

Finally, this day couldn’t end on just coffee.
So we felt the need to get Pad Thai.
Review: Never been so satisfied!!!!

With all of that said, adventures don’t always have to be planned.
And, they don’t always have to be so extravagant.
For me; a camera, good company, and a new destination does just the job.


Sunday 25 October 2015

What shall today bring us?

Hello again.

This past weekend has really been a collection of oddities.
Everyday was something new, and something different.
For once, I didn’t know what to expect.

Today after work, my friend Nat joined me downtown, to venture to who knows what.
We had no plans, no goals, and no particular destination -- We just wanted to see and capture.
I think we succeeded at that.
Hope you guys enjoy the many obnoxious pictures I took of doors, streets, lights, us, etc etc etc.

So it all started with a rooftop…

This rooftop was literally a maze, so of course we took advantage of that.
The feeling of being lost somewhere is pure bliss.


After skipping around the so called rooftoop/maze, we just walked and walked and walked until we saw something interesting. I’m not sure why, but everything was pleasing to the eye.

After freezing our little hands off because of the whole taking pictures at everything we spot kind of thing. We went to a coffee shop. Bridgehead, you are golden.

And that was my Sunday afternoon.
I honestly didn't expect to be even writing a blog post today?
I honestly didn’t even expect to go through the adventure I did today?
But I did, and I am extremely content.
The fact that I get to do what I enjoy, accompanied by people that enjoy the same things through a different lens, really is something I am glad to experience, and share with all of you.

Nat, thank you for being such a rad human being.
Fall, thank you for being the season of creativity. x
Many more excited projects to come!!!
