Wednesday 29 July 2015

Somewhere on Wellington street.

YESTERDAY, me and two of my bestfriends walked the street of Wellington under the burning bright sun, seeking the adventure that is absent from our own neighborhood.

Early morning, shades on, camera’s in hand, we were ready.

Let’s Cue the picture overload shall we?

As we arrived at our destination, I was overwhelmed by all the little shops and boutiques that seemed endless. However, nothing floored me more than Tinseltown Christmas Emporium, a store entirely dedicated to Christmas! The 5 year old little girl inside of me was on cloud 9 as I didn’t know where to look or go next. I never wanted to leave.





Somehow this whimsical store merged into this really old classic shop that made you feel like you were apart of another era. The store was called Marie-Antoinette, and I completely understand why, after going through all the detailed tea cups, the over sized clocks written in roman letters, and the flowers that accented Marie-Antoinette’s charm.



As we continued to explore, we fell upon this boutique that looked worn out, so of course we had to check it out. I am so glad we did, it was clustered with vintage pieces from left to right, top to bottom. Everything I laid my eyes on I wanted, or was just purely fascinated by the collection of treasures.





We continued our path to this vinyl store, that welcomed us with groovy music and a kickass vinyl collection, that was waiting for us to look through them for hours. Everything about this store just screamed:“hey! if you’re a music geek please come here, you’ll love it”. From the guitars hanging on the ceiling, to the variety of vinyl collections, to the sitting area where you can listen to any vinyl you want, to the piano waiting to be played, was impressive.


We didn’t stop there. Any store that seemed intriguing, we felt the need to investigate because our curiosity was just too overpowering. We spent a while in this lovely flower shop that had a wide range of cactuses and different flowers whom I cannot pronounce.




The whole point of this adventure in the first place, was to check out this art gallery called the Cube. I was a little intimidated to take pictures in the actual gallery because I did not want to disrespect the artists and such so I just admired the talent depicted on the walls.

What I personally love about art is how misunderstood it is, everyone perceives it in a complete different way. Those different perceptions are what keeps art existing and exciting to all. If everyone had the same idea, or opinion about all types of art forms, what would art come to?

Okay but now back to this art gallery, the Cube, the best thing about this place was their rooftop! We were in awe, because it has been a mission to find an accessible rooftop where we live. This one certainly did not disappoint.


Rooftop picture taken by the lovely Erika Morris.

On our way back from the art gallery to find somewhere to eat, we fell upon this boutique that sells vintage clothing. We were in paradise. They had everything from docs, to feathered hats, to vinyls. This store was winning. I ended up scoring big time by buying this Levi’s light washed jean jacket from the 80’s-90’s! It’s definitely a keeper. We discovered so many classic items in this store, that it was a must to try them on.

Classic Christian Dior veiled  hat.

After walking in the sun discovering all these different stores, we found a place to eat after much discussion because it was so hard to choose from all the options we had, and that does not happen often, trust me. We ate at this really laid back, black and white,themed restaurant that just made you feel really posh. We felt accomplished.




Shortly after that, we walked across the street at this very well put together cafe for dessert.
This cafe was a combination of wood,wine, mason jars, and candles, making you feel quite at home.

Mason Jar chandelier taken by the lovely Nat Mez. 

I never wanted this day to end.
I was so content with where I was, and who I was with.
Adventures are waiting to be sought, you just have to be willing to seek them.


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